Monday, August 18, 2008



Animals have done nothing but love, care, want to be with, and cherish us. And how do many people thank them?

They kick them in their ribs, starve them, leave them to fend for themselves, or put them in a sack and throw them into the river.

Some do it because they feel its the right thing, but most do it because they're spiteful and want to see innocent animals get hurt for doing absolutely nothing!

Wonderful organizations like the ASPCA and local humane societies are taking in the animals no one wants, and cares for them, free of charge. But we can do our part too!

Just because you are one person does not mean that you are unable to do something about this....insane killing spree of innocents. You can write to your Congressmen, or some one important who you know will help get the word and get results that PETA supporters, animal lovers, and animals are craving!

Start a peaceful protest, but make sure local authorities know what you're doing so they can keep things from getting out of hand. Donate money to humane places, or volunteer/work at your local humane societies that promise to only put down in cases where life is either out of reach, or so painful that death would be the best solution.

They keep our feet warm on cold, winter nights.

Let us hug them a little too tightly when our day was horrible and we need comfort.

Following us around, watching our plates because they know we will "drop" a piece of that delicious steak on the floor.

And how do we thank this undying loyalty???

We push them away.....or support so-called scientists testing on them to figure out what the results fo a human body would be.


There are humans who would let scientist work on their why study rats when human studies work better??

As the disaster with the drug Thalidomide showed us, you can not put your faith in animal testing.

They are animals, we are humans.

Our bodies are different, so what works on an animal has a 50% chance of working on us.

Animal testing should be stopped..........the "benefits" it has can be found in the experiments we can perform on willing human participants.

(Ironic that humans can stop experiments that's happening to them or decide not to take part in it and animals are forced to, regardless of the psychological effects it has on them.)


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