Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Unsuccessful" Animal Testing

Over the centuries and all throughout time, so-called scientists have been trying out pharmaceuticals on innocent animals. Though, whatever "results" are derived from these tests can go right a head and be thrown out the window.
The reason:animal and human bodies, no matter how similar, are not alike and therefore whatever medicine might not have a side effect on rats or mice, can do major damage to the humans.

*In London, tests subjects were given TGN142, an experimental therapy for MS and rheumatoid arthritis. The mice and the rats were perfectly fine but withing mere minutes the men were rolling on the ground in agony and screaming out in pain. Several that day were left to suffer for the rest of their lives with organ damage.

*While Viagra was still in its preclinical high-dosage test stage, the medicine constipated mice, swelled the lives of rats, and gave beagle dogs with what is known ast "beagle pain syndrome" which makes their backs arch and their necks involuntairly get stiff. Yet, they put it out there in the public for humans to use and nothing happens. What would you do if your dog ate some of those pills if they had been spilled on the floor?

*Organophosphate, a stated safe pesticide, had no recorded side effects in animals, yet cause severe nerve damages in humans that had contact with it.

*Methysergide, tested cure for migraines, showed no life threatening effects in animals during trial testing. But a warning had to be sent out that the drug could only be administered by trained medical staff because it had a multiple list of dangerous effects, like heart failure.

*Oh....get the irony on this:testing in 1934 showed that cirrhosis is not caused by alcohol, after trials were performed on animals that never received this dangerous effect. Yet modern tests have proven that not only does alcohol cause this, but it is literally impossible for animals' livers to corrode due to alcohol.

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